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Pat Fitzgerald
Robert Goddin-USA TODAY Sports

Northwestern Fires Pat Fitzgerald as Latest Hazing Scandal Shocks Fans

Another year, another mainstream story breaking that reveals hazing at the college football level that is downright awful. Pat Fitzgerald, a legend at Northwestern, is out after the story became national news. While reports suggest Fitzgerald had no idea (yeah right) the University still found him responsible. His legendary career at Northwestern now tarnished with this scandal that will likely follow him wherever he goes. The reports of what happened were not good, and it just makes you wonder why. How hard is it to run a successful football program without hazing. There are harmless traditions in the NFL like rookie dinners and singing karaoke, and it is all in good fun. Why, as a coach of much respect, did Fitzgerald not run a tighter ship that prevented this. Northwestern made the bold decision to keep the assistant coaches on staff, which will likely backfire. We would say we hope coaches and teams learn from this, but since this is not the first scandal in college football of this nature, we doubt it will be the last.