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2024 NFL Draft’s Worst Prospect Team Fits: Beaux Limmer

This is not going to be a long article by any stretch of the imagination. For those who read our article about the marriage between Georgia’s Sedrick Van Pran and the Buffalo Bills, the Beaux Limmer/LA Rams fit is one of the worst for the same reason… the fact that the Rams don’t really develop linemen. The most notable name they’ve developed is Rob Havenstein, and although reliable through his career he’s never really been more than that. He’s got no Pro Bowls or All-Pros, which isn’t a be all, but it feels like the Rams roll out a relatively new Offensive Line every year. Limmer is raw, and we noted it in our profile. For a guy who is heavily upside based and needs the right development, we don’t love the fit.